【商品名】レゴ テクニック ヘリコプター 9396【カテゴリー】ホビー:ブロック【商品説明】Hover into position and make a daring air rescue. This detailed 2-in-1 model features a pitching main rotor, spinning tail rotor, retracting landing gear, sliding doors, opening rear cargo ramp and a winch that lowers to rescue people from danger. Rebuilds into a twin-rotor helicopter with pitching rotors and retractable landing gear.対象性別 :男の子対象年齢 :10歳から16歳まで主な製造国 :デンマークleg0 and the leg0 logo are trademarks of the leg0 Group. (C)2012 The leg0 Group.安全基準 :CE