レア 洋書 化学 Fourcroy Lecons Elementaires dHistoire Naturelle et de Chimie, 1782年 初版 フランス語 2冊
商品説明FOURCROY Leons lmentaires dHistoire Naturelle et de Chimie; dans lesquelles on sest propos, 1. de donner un ensemble mthodique des connoissances chimiques acquises jusqu ce jour; 2. doffrir un tableau compar de la doctrine de Stahl & de celle de quelques Modernes1782. One folding engraved plate & 2 folding printed tables. lxxxviii, 584 pp.; 849 pp., 1 fig., 2 tablesTwo vols. 8vo, Paris: Rue et Htel Serpente, 1782. First edition of the authors first important publication. It derives from a course of seventy lectures which Fourcroy gave each winter in his laboratory and it discusses all aspects of chemistry, including the recent work on gases. In all his lectures, Fourcroy emphasized the relations between chemistry and natural history and their applications to medicine. When Fourcroy wrote the first edition of this book, he had not yet adopted Lavoisiers antiphlogistic theory. It was in the second edition of 1786 that Fourcroy announced his conversion. This work became very popular and went through many editions and translations. Cole 459. Duveen, pp. 224-25. Neville, I, p. 468. Partington, III, pp. 535-51. Smeaton 1.