0K2 ケーツー スキーブーツMINDBENDER 95 Wマインドベンダー 95 WFLEX RATING95LAST WIDTH(MM)98WEIGHT(G)1600SHELL MATERIALTPUCUFF MATERIALTPULINERLuxfit Pro TourSTRAP40mm VelcroOUTSOLEGripwalkSIZE RANGE22.5-27.5原産国中国Featuring a more approachable flex rating without skimping on features, the women’s-specificMindbender 95 W offers the customizable fit you need to take on the entire mountain. Thisboot’s tech fittings and walk mode with a 50-degree range of motion won’t hold you back onthe uphills, and its heat-moldable Powerlite shell and Luxfit Tour liner will have you cruising thedescents in total confidence and control.※メーカー企画書の情報で商品登録を行っております。予告なしに商品名と仕様変更される場合がございます。