メーカー名:ツアラテック / TOURATECH(ツラーテック)商品名:エンジンクラッシュバー(DCT車専用)【シルバー】 Honda CRF1000L Africa Twinメーカー品番:tt_01-402-5156-0JANコード:4573209311483商品の保証は、メーカー保証書の内容に準じます。カラーシルバー素材ステンレス製(電解研磨加工)備考エンジンの重要なサイドパネル部分を保護する、エンジンクラッシュバー。オフロードの深いシングルトレイルやオンロード走行も可能な細身のデザイン。Engine crash bar, stainless steel, for Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin with DCT Touratech’s engine crash bar provides optimum protection for the engine’s important side panels. Its slender design does not affect the lean angle at all and means you can ride on difficult single trails off-road as well as on-road. Made from resilient stainless steel, the engine crash bar gleams thanks to its high quality electropolished/ black finish. It perfectly complements the Honda CRF1000L. The crash bar is made of high quality, electropolished stainless steel and extends the range of use of your travel enduro. The two-component crash bar was fitted as close as possible to the vehicle to give harmonious integration into the existing vehicle design. Its special design provides optimal force dissipation. The crash bbar is simple to install, rust-proof and easy to care for. Together with the Touratech fairing crash bar for your Africa Twin, you need never fear a fall again.Note: with DCT写真注意※画像はイメージです。※商品掲載時の適合情報です。年式が新しい車両については、必ずメーカーサイトにて適合をご確認ください。