Dewalt デウォルト Wide View Auto-Darkening Welding Helmet, Three Darkening Modes, 4 Lightning Fast Arc Sensors, Side Lenses for Panoramic Viewin
【商品名】Dewalt デウォルト Wide View Auto-Darkening Welding Helmet, Three Darkening Modes, 4 Lightning Fast Arc Sensors, Side Lenses for Panoramic Viewing, Adjustable Lightening Delay, Shade ControlDewalt Wide View Auto-Darkening Welding Helmet、3つの暗いモード、4つの稲妻高速アークセンサー、パノラマ視聴用のサイドレンズ、調整可能な照明遅延、シェード制御【カテゴリー】Welding Helmets(溶接ヘルメット) : DEWALT【商品説明】・Multi-mode - three darkening modes allow you to protect your vision while grinding, cutting, or welding with one helmet・Lightning fast - 4 lightning fast arc sensors engage and darken the filter in 1/15,000 of a second・Panoramic viewing - additional DIN 5 side lenses allow a wide, 20.4 square inch panoramic view while working・Shade control - independent shade control allows you to fine tune the DIN level according to preference or welding process・Adjustable delay - adjustable lightening delay can be set from 0.2 - 1.0s to reduce user eye strain and fatigue